The human body has always been one of the center topics in art and a famous site for exploration due to it being a representation of multiple aspects of life such as age, cultures, experiences, and identities, e.g. For example, body tattoos or piercings may present aspects of one’s characteristic, philosophy or cultures, the wrinkles suggest one’s age or the scars may suggest one’s life experiences. But with The Body, I want to strip off all the things in life that the body represents and look at it in its simplest form, specifically focusing on the texture and shapes it embodies and how they interact with lighting.
The idea for this project stems from my reflection on the perspectives I have toward my body. I realized that I have always been labeled and look at it through a lens that is distorted by our society and culture’s ideas on how a body should look. Therefore, The Body series is the representation of my intention to embrace the body for its own sake. Additionally, by experimenting with different body poses, lighting, and composition in the creative process, I hope to look at my body through a lens of my own; to feel more in tune with it, and to learn how to love it all over again.
The series focuses on not only utilizing lots of negative spaces and contrast to sharpen the body’s forms and textures; but also, capturing specific body parts from different interesting angles instead of the whole body as a symbol of showing people a new way to look at the body: to dive deeper, observe it in more detail, and recognize its organic beauty. Overall, the series presents the body as beautiful on its own, without any modifications or meaning forced upon it.